Earthsystems - Training


Past editions


Interactions between large and small scalesMadeira Island
The summer school was integrated in an observational oceanographic and atmospheric campaign focusing on island atmospheric and oceanic wakes and included 1 day on board an oceanographic research ship.  The participants had the opportunity to handle some of the observational records with hands-on sessions using python.


Earth-system processes in the Atlantic, Terceira Island, Azores 
Taking the opportunity of the β€œAerosol and Cloud experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE_ENA)” campaign, which brought to the Azores a group of scientists to study processes in the maritime atmosphere, the University of the Azores (through IITAA at the Faculty of Agrarian and Environmental Sciences), the University of Lisbon (through Instituto Dom Luiz at the Faculty of Sciences), the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) and the ACE_ENA team offered a 1 week workshop/summer course on earth-system processes. The course looked at the Azores region as a natural laboratory for Earth studies, where the atmosphere, the ocean, the geosphere and the biosphere interact, defining the local climate but also constraining climate on the global scale.


Introduction to numerical modelling using Underworld software, Lisbon
Lecturer: Dr. Nicolas Riel, University of Durham, UK

Crash course on MATLAB basic programing before the 2016 Summer School
Lecturers: Filipe RosasPedro MirandaRui Taborda and MΓ‘rio Abel GonΓ§alves


Coastal Meteorology and Oceanography, Lisbon
Collaboration between IDL,  the Portuguese Naval Academy, the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University and the Stockholm University – Meteorological Institute.

Field Trip: ArrΓ‘bida mountains and Algarve Basin

Organizers: Pedro TerrinhaFilipe RosasFrancisco FatelaCΓ©sar AndradePedro CostaSusana CustΓ³dio

Detailed Information:

  • Three day geological field trip held together with undergraduate Marine Geology students (Geology degree, FCUL);

  • Day 1: ArrΓ‘bida chain (to the South of Lisbon, near SetΓΊbal);

  • Day 2: Algarve basin, Sagres region (in SW tip of Portugal);

  • Day 3: Algarve basin, Albufeira region (in the central southern coast);

  • We will be traveling by bus for the whole of the 3 days;

  • We will stay in a camping site in Sagres during the two nights (students shall provide their own tents);

  • Students shall take their own food or buy it in a supermarket (there will be at least one stop per day for this);

  • On Saturday night a joint barbeque will take place in the camping (we’ll buy together meat and fish in a nearby supermarket).

 Youtube video of the 2015 field trip

See here the field trip guide from a previous year (PT).

Multidisciplinary Course

Coordinators: Susana CustΓ³dioAna Amorim, Emanuel Dutra

Statistics Course

Coordinators: MarΓ­lia AntunesLisete M. Ribeiro de Sousa

Soft Skills Course

Past Editions – Scientific Writing

2-day intensive workshop coordinated by John Dixon.
Course Material 2016 edition