IDL at the National Meeting on Climate Change Research

During two days, 17th and 18th February, took place at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) the Encontro Nacional sobre Investigação em Alterações Climáticas (National Meeting on Climate Change Research). This meeting aimed to bring together the excellence of research on climate change produced by national research units, as well as to promote dialogue between researchers and society, namely economic actors and policymakers. Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) had strong participation in this meeting with several researchers participating in different round tables, covering topics as diverse as climate modeling and sectoral impacts (ecosystems, economy, global and local political decision).

The researcher Pedro Matos Soares spoke about processes and modeling of the future climate, Ana Machado presented the variability in the Ocean in recent decades, Miguel Brito spoke about the challenges of the energy transition in a climate change scenario, and Miguel Nogueira was one of the guests at the round table dedicated to the theme "Cities and land use in the context of climate change". The event was co-organized by the FCUL, IDL, and Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML), under the scope of Lisbon Green Capital 2020. About 30 guest speakers from different institutions participated, including the Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade de Évora, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Universidade do Algarve, IPMA, LNEGUniversidade Nova de Lisboa, Universidade de Coimbra, Universidade do Porto, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, and several centers of the Universidade de Lisboa (MARE - Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences, Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes - ce3c, Instituto Superior Técnico, ICS - Institute de Ciências Sociais, Igot-Ul, and IDL). The event was also attended by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Dr. Manuel Heitor, the Minister of the Sea, Dr. Ricardo Serrão Santos, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Dr. Inês Santos Costa, the President of the Council Director of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Dr. Helena Pereira, of the Councilor of CML, Dr. José Sá Fernandes and of the Director of Sciences - University of Lisbon, Dr. Luís Carriço.

Climate, Energy, Geophysics