The IDL at the 17ª Conference of the International Nannoplankton Association

The Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) was at the 17ª Conference of the International Nannoplankton Association (INA), which took place in Santos, São Paulo State (Brazil), from 15th to 20th September 2019. The members of the IDL, Mário Cachão, Ricardo Ramalho, Lurdes Fonseca, and Catarina Guerreiro participated in this conference with their research works on the record of calcareous nannofossils. There was a pre-conference excursion to coastal wetlands of Cananaia and a post-conference excursion to the more rugged coastal area of Ubatuba, famous for its bird-life. In between, there were four days of conferences in Santos. The program included four keynotes talks about 40 other oral presentations and 50 posters.

The communication of the researcher Mário Cachão is available here.

Download the program and abstracts of the conference here.

